#1438 Mix Tape

This comic made me realize I have...four...NO FIVE tape players in the house. I still have my old Walk-man, my current stereo has TWO tape players (for copies!), Xena inherited my brothers old Playskool tape player (the one with the microphone!) and my ancient car is SO ancient it actually has a tape deck in it (but I wouldn't trust it to play because I'm not actually sure it would also eject the tape). 

I just like old stuff, okay?!

8 thoughts on “#1438 Mix Tape

  1. Ale-Eight-One Ohmu

    I have at least 4 such devices. And if I had won that Ebay auction for a “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind” Laserdisc, I would have bought one of those doorstops to play it.

    1. I have a total of five: my current boombox has two(!), I still have my walkman, my car’s old enough that it has one, and Xena inherited my brothers old Playskool one! I never had Laserdisc, but I have a VCR out in the garage somewhere (though I would be very surprised if it still worked).

  2. We have several boxes of cassette tapes (originals and mixed tapes) but no devices on which to play them. I know there are environmentally safe methods of disposal, but we’re not quite ready to toss them out. I worry nostalgia is the gateway to hoarding…

    1. I didn’t save most of my cassettes, having bought a lot of the same albums on CD when they switched over. I still have the ones where I recorded my friends and I goofing around and some of the storybook ones I had.

  3. We still have an 8-track player and tapes, now I’m tempted to dig it out.
    The nice thing about cassettes is it keeps people from stealing your tunes 🙂

    1. My parents skipped 8-track so I never had one growing up. We went from vinyl to tape then on to CD. I’m kind of afraid to play my old cassettes because of how old they are. I’m worried they’ll start to fall apart, so I need to figure out how to digitize them!

  4. I recently inherited a tape player and has been listening to all the tapes I recorded from the radio back in the late 80’s/early 90’s (yeah, I’m ooold).

    1. That’s great though! I know I recorded songs from the radio that way, but I’ve never run across any of my old mix tapes (I DID find the ones of goofy phone calls I’d made with a couple of my friends chatting. Complete *gems*)

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