#1443 Techie

Luddites get a bad wrap. They didn't hate technology, they hated technology being used as an excuse to pay less to/fire experienced craftspeople! I don't hate technology either (though I do lean more towards analog experiences when it comes to reading and creating art), I just don't like using voice notes ^_^;

4 thoughts on “#1443 Techie

  1. Put up the money to build the factory, work hard and pay for advertising to find customers for your product, try to hire competent people that will do the job they agreed to without wasting supplies or damaging equipment you paid for and take the risk of losing your shirt if business drops off, then you can have the big piece of the pie.

    Show up, do a minor task then go home and never think about the business except to complain you didn’t get a bigger cut of the profits than what you agreed to be paid when you took the job and persuade some politician to pass a law taking the reason the owner built the company and give it to you because you think you deserve a four bedroom house with a pool, Carribean vacations and a brand new SUV on a minimum wage/minimum requirement job, then several things happen…

    The company doesn’t expand or improve it’s equipment to make your job easier, it cuts as many jobs as it can, or the costs exceed what can be reasonably charged for the product and it just goes out of business when nobody can afford to buy anything you sell.

    Unless you buy stock in the company to support it’s operation, take your pizza and be glad you got that because you didn’t contract for it when you applied for the job.

    1. I think it’s a little more complicated than that.

      To start with there are no fair agreements where there’s a severe power imbalance.

      But this is probably flame-war territory, and I don’t want this lovely comic to get fire damage. So I’ll just invite you to discuss it with a chatbot of your choice. (Sure, they’re not entirely unbiased, but they’re also not some random idiot on the internet (like me) trying to convince you of their own POV.)

      1. It’s definitely more complicated, but it’s hard to argue that minimum wage doesn’t get you much of anything anymore, but when my parents were earning it, they could afford an apartment. Four bedroom house, fancy vacations, no, but a decent roof over their heads and food on the table. And yeah, thanks for not starting a flame war! I don’t have the energy for it, lol!

  2. It was still a funny comic though 😉
    I use my phone for phone calls and that’s about it.

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