#825 Traits

8 thoughts on “#825 Traits

  1. Same here. They only have two defense mechanisms. They hiss at you and when that doesn’t work they play oppossum. And I honestly relate to this more than I should.

    1. But…have you seen them YAWN? I swear they have flip-top heads! Cute in their own way but…cute at a distance, please.

      1. Nah. Cute up close.

  2. I hear a lot of Native Americans find the casual use of the term “Spirit Animal” to be offensive. I don’t think you (or most people) meant anything by it; it’s just gotten super-popular to use that phrase to describe an animal you relate to. Native Americans have commented on it being insulting to a sacred part of their culture, but the word has yet to fully get out. Because of this, I prefer to use a less offensive (and much, much nerdier) term instead of “spirit animal”: I use the word “Patronus”! 🙂

    Sorry for the rant; like I said, I don’t think you meant anything bad when you said it. I just want to let people understand what they’re saying so that they can take it in a responsible direction. Also, because the world always needs more Harry Potter references.

    1. I had thought about changing it (and ALMOST used patronus) but this was also meant to be a bit of a poke at people who use “spirit animal” casually, so I took the risk and went with it.

      For the record, I don’t mind being civilly called out on something like this, so no need to apologize.

  3. *chuckle*

  4. i think bear isnt a good choice not bad tho you could eat anything including garbage deer is super bad we have a ton of them in canada BC on the main land and it island victoria they are dumb personal i would would go for cookie monster or bald eagle as the cookie monster every one would be my friend see no problems there as a bald eagle nothing would mess up me because nothing wins a fight with a bald eagle

  5. I am Native, and yeah we do find it usually offensive, but I know you’re not That Kind Of Person
    and I can see the context here is more parody of the way people DO appropriate it, rather than the appropriation itself.

    That said, if you were native and could have a spirit guide or animal I could see you being aligned to possums. Totally.

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