#803 Waffles

11 thoughts on “#803 Waffles


  2. Exactly

  3. I’ve made charcoal in my microwave once. Accidentally. I had wanted to use the oven function, but apparently didn’t.
    So conceivably, you might be able to toast something by microwaving it (since that’s surely somewhere between warm and charcoal). But whether it’d be any good, I doubt it.

  4. Appalled. I am APPALLED! The microwave is the natural enemy of crispness!

    1. EXACTLY.

    2. So THAT’S why I like the microwave so much…

  5. The HORROR! I bake a little for myself and virtual family (i.e., buy bread flour in 50-lb bags), but anybody I see nuking breadstuffs will get no more of mine!

    (BAD Raf! No baguettes for YOU!) 🙂

  6. …It occurs to me that it takes, maybe, two minutes to make a waffle in the toaster like Crom intended. If saving that 120 seconds by making them horrible in the microwave is actually a concern, you may have scheduling issues.

  7. Also the microwave dings. So it’s not Secret Toast.
    (I swear to you that one strip has been an inside joke with me and my bestie for like a decade I kid you not)

    1. This PLEASES me.

      Sadly, I’ve not made Secret Toast in quite some time.

      1. One day, you will initiate Xena in the ways of…Secret Toast…as my mother did me (ours being the Way of cinnamon/brown sugar).

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