#719 Catalog

15 thoughts on “#719 Catalog

  1. Ah yes Skymall… Where I get to see actually how stupid the human race can be.

    1. Where else can I buy a life-sized raptor and pet stairs so my cat can walk up to the bed instead of jumping?!

      1. BrickJAK BouncerPants

        Didn’t Skymall go out of business after they declared bankruptcy early last year?

        1. I thought I read somewhere that someone had bought them up and they were going to start printing the catalog again, but then, I neglected to check how old the article was.

          They have a website, but it’s pretty terrible.

        2. Yes, my roommate worked at their local warehouse. They actually went bankrupt, got bought out and then that company veeeeeery slowly closed them down over a year since all they really wanted were SkyMall’s customer info.

        3. SkyMall is still available online. I don’t fly anymore, so I can’t confirm if the catalog is still on planes.

  2. “When I get to the gate
    And I realize too late
    I should have brought something to read…”

  3. Ah yes, and those delicious looking Trump stakes.

    1. Arrgh, steaks. Couldn’t take two seconds to proof read before I hit send, you would think I would learn eventually.

      1. You are forgiven!

        1. OMG, Senpai noticed me. AHHHHHHH!

          -sorry, couldn’t resist, I have been waiting ages for an excuse to do that.

        2. Haaaaa! Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to one of your comments then ^_^;;

  4. Skymall stopped making the catalog. You have to go to the website now.

    1. I thought I’d read somewhere that they were going to start printing the catalog again.

      Their website is a mess.

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