#583 Surprise

16 thoughts on “#583 Surprise

  1. “my blood hurts”

    1. ….Crap! What is that quote from?! It sounds so familiar o_O

      1. it’s from an episode of “Teen Girl Squad”

        1. YES. THANK YOU!

  2. Of course you would squeak

  3. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  4. like, live baby opossums?

    1. Yeh! One of my friends is a vet tech and she was fostering some that lost there mom.

  5. I recently got to meet an all-white (not albino) opossum at an event for wildlife rehabbers. He was an orphan who couldn’t be released due to his color (he’d wouldn’t survive very long), so he’s their opossum “ambassador.” I almost fell over from The Cute.

    1. Ahh! So awesome!

  6. Where did she get possums?

    1. She’s a vet tech and is fostering some orphans until they’re big enough to survive on their own ^_^

  7. ***IMPORTANT***

    Incidentally, in this instance it is okay to handle the baby opossums! My friend is a vet tech and is fostering them until they can be released back into the wild. Possums are pretty dumb, so they will forget their human helpers nearly as soon as they’re released, but this doesn’t mean just anyone should go picking up wild animals. If you DO find baby possums (or any wild animal) your best bet is to contact a wild animal rescue, animal control, or emergency vet clinic for advice!

    1. I want you to know that you are not alone in thinking possums are cute. I have seen possums because they come up on our porch in the winter to eat the food we leave out for the cats. I too think possums are adorable, even though my family insists they’re just ROUS.

      1. Heh, my husband refers to them as Space Rats, but I like ROUS, too!

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