#579 Cake

17 thoughts on “#579 Cake

  1. This is a really, really roundabout way to get to the word ‘chocolate!’

  2. I now want #iwillpoopinapanandputcandlesinthat to trend worldwide on twitter, because reasons…

    1. “Oh yeah? Well, go poop in a pan and put candles on THAT!”

      My favorite new angry retort. It works in so many ways

    2. That. Would be amazing (albeit a bit long!).

  3. Pineapple upside down cake

    1. We’ve got another friend who loves that one!

  4. Why is it every husband I know (including mine) says that – “Oh, I don’t care; I don’t need anything.” Gah!!

    1. Maybe because it’s the truth? Admittedly I can’t really fathom not caring about cake/pie, but contrariwise I don’t care for sports and lots of men do.

      1. NO. It’s NOT the truth. He HAS a favorite cake (red velvet) but for some reason, he said he didn’t want that kind this year.

  5. Hate it when people do that

  6. ok, if anyone who does this is reading, some advice: if someone asks what you want, just give a direct, solid answer…

    No whatevers
    No I don’t knows
    no I don’t cares
    Just… “I want this…” ok…

    why is it like pulling teeth to get people to give a solid answer (thankfully I trained my hubby in a sense, if I want an answer I get annoying as hell)

    1. Why is it so unacceptable not to want something, that you should lie about it?

      Though, I suppose one consideration is that the cake isn’t (just) for the one having the birthday, but for the friends and family visiting. In that case a better question might be “what kind of cake are we going to get for our friends?”

      1. The reason is the I don’t want or care thing isn’t said because the ate being honest, but polite. Anyone who says this is saying “oh I do want this cake but I don’t want to seem greedy or demanding”. So they say I don’t care… Even though this then causes the poop in a pan feeling…

        Now if someone really doesn’t want a cake fine, be firm about it then. Oh for the record
        My hubby always wants cake… But getting to say what kind is another story…

      2. I see what you’re saying, but in this case, I know that he enjoys cake!

  7. My answer is always Ice Cream Cake. Friendlies used to have the most awesome one, but then they changed it up.

    Still I don’t generally celebrate my birthday.

  8. At least it’s something homemade.

    1. Yeh, we ended up going with a chocolate cake with Nutella icing. It was pretty rad!

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