#573 Corner Of My Eye

15 thoughts on “#573 Corner Of My Eye

  1. Soak the blanket in wasp killer?

    1. Or put it in the freezer (if you have one big enough, and assuming you’re willing to handle a blanket-wrapped wasp).

      Or just shake it out outside.

      Or beat it with a stick till it stops buzzing. Then hit it some more. Then get someone else to check if it’s really dead.

      We had a wasp buzzing around the office a few weeks back. I thought it was a bit early for wasps, but apparently it disagreed. I countered with a notebook and the sole of my shoe and won the argument.

      1. put it in the dryer on high for a few minutes… insects can’t handle high heat for very long.
        just yesterday, I trapped a hornet under a glass in the sink and then ran hot water over the glass. the air inside got so hot, the hornet died.

        1. Hm, that one’s pretty good!

        2. Seems like a recipe to have assorted wasp parts mixed in with your blanket. It’ll die, certainly, but the dryer ain’t gonna be kind to its body.

  2. NOT the freezer.
    I had an insect collection as a kid. Tried freezing specimens as an alternative to chemicals a few times. Some un-thawed and started moving again after DAYS in the freezer.
    And squishing is bad, too. That releases a wasp-pheromone that gets other wasps ANGRY.
    Hairspray and rubbing alcohol work well. They coat the bug’s body, suffocating it. WD-40 and scrubbing bubbles are other functional options.

    1. Yeah, that almost happened with a hornet’s nest we found on my parent’s house when I was a kid. Dad took it down in the winter, and I wanted to save it because it was neat looking. Fortunately, Dad thought to keep it in the garage for a few days “just in case” and sure enough, hornets started crawling out of it like horrible tiny zombies. We killed them and burned the nest o_o

      Didn’t remember the squishing part. This one met its end with the bottom of a shoe after I yanked the blanket away.

    2. Unless you want to keep them, I don’t see the problem with freezing. As long as I’m rid of ’em that’s good enough — it’s a short term concern, ’cause on the long term a dead wasp more or less makes no difference. (Unless it’s a queen that was planning to settle under your roof)

      Does rubbing alcohol really work well? Cause I’ve tried regular alcohol (90%) on various pests and was dismayed to find it did very little. (I don’t like to make bugs suffer, I just want them dead and/or gone.)

  3. At least it is under the blanket

  4. I don’t blame you. Wasps and hornets make me hyperventilate with terror. Not bees, though. I don’t perceive them as demonic minions.

    1. And bee stings don’t generally hurt as bad (when referring to honey bee stings. Not, like, killer bees or something!). Also, Honey Bees are kinda cute XD

  5. I’ll take wasps in the house. They’re up front and in your face- not like those sneaky scorpions.

    I get scorpions in my house. For some reason, they seem to like my bed. Nothing like being awakened from a sound sleep because some little eight-legged asshole decided to sting you!

    1. ….Man…I literally cannot decide which one of those is worse. o_O

      1. Scorpions. They get you when you’re sleeping O_o

        1. Yeah, they don’t make any noise either, at least with the wasps you can hear them buzzing…

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