#414 Mango

22 thoughts on “#414 Mango

  1. I would not say that Mango tastes like pine tree (never having eaten pine tree). I think it tastes like Mango, but I do think Mango tastes heavily of yuck.

    1. I want to be your friend!
      That was absolutely the best answer I have ever seen.
      I agree 100% they do taste “heavily of yuck”.
      Thank you so much for the laugh.

  2. Cilantro tastes like soap to me too. I’ve heard it’s a genetic thing.

  3. Where did you hear that? The internet? 😛

    1. Yes. Also, 1950s Dad is TOTally a French model XD

  4. Mango totally tastes like pine! But I like it anyway haha. I also like Moxie even though it tastes like motor oil and cough syrup. So maybe I’m weird 🙂

  5. i agree with both the above statements, mango is of YUCK, and cilantro is of soap. my son can’t eat cilantro either, but my daughter and their dad love it.

  6. Wait wait, something tasting of pine tree is BAD?

  7. I’ve had soap with cilantro in it for smell, does that count? Soap with cinnamon in is how I found out cinnamon makes with the burny on ANY of my skin it touches. (not so fun) Are not genetics fun?

  8. My question is: who tastes soap? or pine trees? 🙂

    1. Apparently you were one of the “good” kids who didn’t use words you weren’t supposed to while growing up….

      That, or you never got caught using them…

      And, hello? Euell Gibbons?!? Grape Nuts commercials?

  9. I just have to comment to say all these comments are full of win 🙂 lol

  10. Having consumed way too many bars of soap (involuntarily, I might add) and seen too many “Grape Nuts” commercials (youth & stupidity), I can attest to the truth of both of those statement. Cilantro and mangoes both taste horrid and should only be used when needed for flavor in a recipe. Preferably one where the final instruction reads something along the lines of “dispose of concoction and finish consuming bottle of booze”

  11. You’re all wrong 😉

    Pine and Mango have a slight taste of turpentine – just not as refined as the real stuff


  12. puh. once i ate like two entire bags of dried mangos slices and i threw it all up. that was in elementary scool. never have had them again and i cant even stand the smell.

  13. Ugh.. For me Mango tastes like Mold! I actually don’t mind the taste of pine…..

    1. WEEEEEEIRD! I guess I shouldn’t complain too much about how they taste like, pine, then, huh?

  14. To me, mango always taste like shit ton of sugary syrup.

  15. pine taste delicious to me, I love making pine tea. mango is an odd one, I like it with other things, but strait mango is just to confusing a flavor on its own for me, my taste buds to not quite know what the think of it.

  16. If mango tasted like pine, I might actually like it.

    1. I’m given to understand that I’m in the minority by thinking they taste like pine XD

  17. I think that of both. Tho mangos just aren’t good either way for me.

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