#379 Small Vengeance

13 thoughts on “#379 Small Vengeance

  1. It could have been “I do not have a computer anymore.”

    It is probably not that, but I like too keep a positive thought.

    1. This could be true, as could “I looked it up on a friend’s computer.” Both seem unlikely…

  2. I hate bold-faced lying….and open-faced sandwiches. But the second one really does not apply here.

    1. what do you have against open faced sandwiches? Made right they’re really good. Cheese ones anyway.

      1. My favorite is an open faced roast turkey, with turkey gravy, and a delicious cranberry sauce over the top…. *dies*

        1. Okay not only does that sound good. But now I really want one. THANKS!

      2. They are culinary blasphemy.

    2. Everybody hates boldface lying, but it’s less obnoxious than uppercase lying. And italic lying is too obvious. Anyone can see you’ve got some angle. 😀

  3. My brain…
    It imploded in the last group of panels.

    What the hell?
    I can’t even imagine a scenario where this makes sense…

    1. A lot of people are getting really paranoid about how their e-mail gets around. She probably didn’t want any “spam” or something. But it still doesn’t make sense if you’ve given the company an e-mail before.

      1. It’s true, and I get that folks don’t want to get a barrage of junk email, plus some companies sell your information to other companies (as far as I know, ours does NOT.). I hate getting spam too. I dislike getting hassled if I tell someone I DON’T want to give out my email address. Which is why I will share a PRO TIP: Make a separate email account on a free site and just give that out. Works well. I check it when I’m looking for a specific coupon and then delete the rest.

        1. Absolutely. Most of my spam goes a completely different address than the one I do business on and even that is different from the one the family and friends have for an address.

          As for making sense, the customer could have looked it up at work and given her work e-mail address in the past. Many places have a computer for employee use in their break-room these days, but have them blocked to prevent the employee from ordering things on-line. Worked one place where Hotmail was accessible and E-bay was not. You could get updates on your bids, but you couldn’t do any actual bidding at work.

        2. This is true. There are a bunch of completely legit reasons as to why she said all this stuff…but man did she sound guilty on that last bit XD

          And same here. I’ve got three email addresses as well. It’s just way easier for me to keep them that separated.

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