#378 Cat Tongue

13 thoughts on “#378 Cat Tongue

  1. Cats sure do know how to ruin a good time.

  2. Why do I get this impression that your cat is pissed at you most of the time?

    1. Aren’t ALL cats perpetually pissed at their masters? If not pissed than veiled resentment.

    2. @gsekse I know how the comic must make me look, but all the times where I’m sitting around petting Harley nicely, just don’t make for great comics.

      Plus most of the time she TOTally deserves it!

    3. I have 4 cats, which gives me the experience to note that BOTH of these replies are absolutely correct!

  3. Heh, my roomie’s Siamese ( who thinks she’s a ferret ) has a habit of leaving her tongue sticking out. It’s the most adorable derp face because she has the Siamese cross-eyes.

    1. Oh my gosh, that’s sounds so freakin’ cute!

  4. I used to do this with my daughter when she was about 3. *poke* then wipe my finger down her cheek. She’s 13 now and once in a blue moon she will ask me to “play that game where you try and catch my tongue”

    1. That is so weird XD

      I’ll have to remember it for when I have actual kids (not furry ones, lol!)

      1. Yeah she’s the best lol

  5. I SO do that to our cats. Or when they yawn, I try and get my finger in their mouth before they close it…they then give a very confused look.

    1. Hee! I do that yawn-thing too…Harley is always very surprised and confused.

  6. When Princess sticks her tongue out, she pulls it back in too quickly for me to touch. So rude.

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