Hello, my Creatures!
How’s about an update on the Art Lair situation? I’ll be honest, I’d hoped to have it completely finished before I put up some new pics of the place, but it’s been FAR too long since I’ve revealed anything on it. First up, I’ve got some work-in-progress shots to show you that painting a room is work, man. Especially one as big and oddly shaped as this one is (it’s kind of shaped like that weird zig-zaggy Tetris piece that you always hated getting because it was nearly useless except in about 3 specific situations…Also, there are eleven(!!) outlets, including the one in the freaking closet. Which, while totally useful…is totally weird.). ANYway, there was lots of taping involved, and before I go any further, let me plug FrogTape. If you’re painting a room (especially one that’s destined to be a future realtor’s nightmare), it’s the best thing for getting crisp, clean lines. I used a lot. You can see here:

Yeah. That tape ball would have been larger if I’d thought to start balling it up from the beginning of the unmasking phase. As it is, this was most of it. I used lots of tape to make sure I didn’t hit the ceiling or baseboards of course, but also because I wanted to paint crazy designs on things. Hey it’s my house. Do what I WANT. I’M AN ADULT!

Those chalked out “No’s” are reminders for me to not paint there. I was getting a little punchy by the time I started in on this part. You can start to see what I mean about “Realtor’s Nightmare,” though. Of course I couldn’t just paint the walls all one color. BAH! You’ll also notice, my dear Creatures, how I’ve gotten rid of that bizarre chair railing that rain the perimeter of the room. Can we talk about how much of a chore that was for just a second? Chair rail is supposed to just kind of be tacked on with these little nails called “finishing nails.” It is NOT necessary to find each and every stud in the wall and then screw said chair rail to said studs. It is also not necessary to bear down SO hard on the screws that they get stripped and a future owner can’t get them out with a drill and then has to use a freakin’ crowbar to get the chair rail off the wall and then have to spackle the heck out of all the holes that are left behind. Rargh.
TLDR: Here’s pics of what’s a mostly finished room!

Not quite finished yet, as I still need to paint up the baseboards and I’ve got one more cool touch to add before I can call it done. Can’t say that it’s any less bizarre than its previous paint job, but it’s definitely a lot more “me” and that’s what matters!
That’s all for now, Creatures, and as always: Thanks for reading!