Another Year Over…

A new one just begun…

Hello, my dear Creatures!

Well, the holidays are more than over and I hope you all had a good one, appropriately raucous and without injury. 

I don’t really go in much for New Year’s Resolutions or any of that. Most of mine end up being pretty ridiculous anyway, things like: I’m going to play more video games, or get more Lego sets or something. Neither of which is really a resolution at all seeing as how I do those things anyway since Animal Crossing is my dark, dark mistress and I am practically the Smaug of Lego bricks. I guess there was that one time I resolved to stop biting my nails and I bite them….less now. So I suppose that’s something.

I do have some minor improvements I want to make to my little corner of the web here and I do have plans to post more silly arts that have Nothing To Do With Anything over on my Tumblr feed and to, dear glob, update my gallery here more regularly.

I think I just resolved to draw more.*snerk* I don’t think that counts as a resolution, either.

That’s all for now, Creatures and as always: Thanks for reading!

Happy Holidays!

Hello Creatures!

In case you missed it, the holiday season is all upons. I’m a little late in celebrating my favorite holiday, but is it really ever too late to celebrate Krampusnacht?!

No, of course not. And since I think it’s a shame that Krampus doesn’t have any carols of his own, I offer up this little bit of internet ridiculousness which will have to do (though you may have seen it over at Devil’s Panties XD):

That’s all for now, my Creatures, be merry and be mischievous! And as always: Thanks for reading!

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Hello, my Creatures!

Wishing you guys a happy Thanksgiving, with all the food you can cram into your gaping maws! I know that’s what I’LL be doing today, since I practically have a flip-top head and get REALLY excited about food. Have a great holiday, and if you’re planning on heading out into the Black Friday crowds, be safe and be kind!

Other quick news: check out the Gallery tab, I’ve finally put up the individual On the Couch Halloween costumes, and there’s a brand new piece in the Digital Coloring folder where you can see 1950s Dad and Harley, fully rendered in all their cartoon glory!

That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!


Comfy Con 2013 part II

Hello, my Creatures!

If you guys missed the panel I was part of with Jennie Breeden (The Devil’s Panties) and Angela Melick (Wasted Talent) you can check it out on YouTube here!

Due to some technical difficulties, I’m not in it until about four minutes in, when I finally gave up on the webcam and grabbed my trusty iPod Touch, but you can catch me rambling on about Art and Life all while wearing Penguin Pajamas…And I think there’s a shot of Stick Cat’s butt in there. Check out the rest of the keen stuff going on at Comfy Con here and thanks for the folks who tuned in and sharing a bit of their Friday nights with us!

That’s all for now, Creatures, and as always: Thanks for reading!

Comfy Con 2013

Hello, Creatures!

So I’ve unexpectedly added a convention to my short list of Conventions I Attend: Comfy Con 2013, November 15-17. 

How am I going to get to a convention on such short notice, and WHERE is this convention located?! It’s right here, in your computer-machine! An all digital, all online convention because last year a bunch of webcomickers wanted to have their own convention, while sitting in their living rooms. And this year they wanted to do it again.

I’ll be part of a panel tonight at 10pm with my pal Jennie Breeden ( , as if you didn’t know!) and possibly some other artists, all talking about How Do I Draw The Funny?! Okay, okay, it’s actually called “Is It Funny” and it will be on Google Hangout and you guys can ask us questions via Twitter (@surlyqueen, #comfycon) and possibly Other Methods.

If you guys want to look in on some of the other fun stuff that’s going on this weekend, check out the Convention Schedule and take a look at some of the other artists participating, all from the comfort of your very own home! Ah, The Interwebz, what would we have done without you?!

That’s all for now, Creatures, and as always: Thanks for reading!

The Beard

Hello, my Creatures!

If you’ve been keeping up with On the Couch, then it’s no secret that I’d like to some day be able to sprout a beard. This is the part where I get to be a bit of hipster, because I TOTally wanted to do this before “No Shave November” and beards/mustaches in general were “cool.” No one will believe me, but it’s okay, I still think they’re cool and am quite pleased that they have become so popular because now I can buy merch with beards and mustaches on it, and all my friends give me fake mustaches and beards for birthday and Christmas.

Where was I.

Right. Growing a beard. This falls in the number five slot on Top Five Super Powers I Would Like To Have. It’s a low-level super power at best, but I would like the ability to grow and shed any style of beard, mustache, or combination thereof, in any natural hair color at will. Because let’s face it, I’m a lady, and facial hair just isn’t appropriate for every occasion. 1950s Dad does not find this prospect nearly as amusing as I do, and I haven’t worked out the logic on this yet, but I think it has something to do with the fact that he has the ability to actually grow a beard.

And I am more than a bit jealous. Think of how philosophical I’d look!

That’s all for now, my Creatures, and as always: Thanks for reading!


Sugar Crash…

Hope all my Creatures had a happy and safe Halloween, and aren’t too drunk on candy.

I was pleased to have so many Trick-or-Treaters this year, and actually got rid of most of the candy this year (compared to last year when I just got to eat two entire bags of Laffy Taffy).

I’m kind of spoiled when it comes to costumes thanks to going to conventions and seeing all the super-awesome and crazy-labor-intensive outfits, but there were a couple of standouts that showed up at my door. My two faves were the little Jedi who’s black lab was dressed in a cape as Darth Vader, and the girl dressed as Dr. Facilier (the villain from Disney’s Frog Princess).

No pictures, although, I DID think about it, and then realized that it’s SUPER creepy to take pictures of other people’s kids outside of a convention setting, no matter how innocent the intention!

That’s all for now, Creatures, and as always: Thanks for reading!

Halloween 2013

It’s the last On the Couch comic before Halloween, and you Creatures know what THAT means: I get to dress everybody up! 

And I mean everybody.

I’ve gone with a pretty obvious theme this year, though, once again some of the costumes are more obscure than others. Hope you enjoy and have fun guessing!

That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!

AWA 2013 Pictures

I get a lot more time to take pictures when I’m sitting behind a table at conventions, and I always get to see some great ones. This year was no exception! Most of the costumes one sees at AWA are more current pop culture references than the type of garb one sees at Dragon (where the costumes can range from “Oh my glob! Did you see last week’s episode?!” to “Holy crap. I thought I was the only person on the planet that had ever even seen that movie…”).

Here are some of my favorites from the continuous parade by my table!

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