#377 Gotcha

11 thoughts on “#377 Gotcha

  1. no dont go drink its blood to gain immortality while its down

    1. What if it has a blood born disease.

      That was TOO easy. That omnicorn had a glass jaw. No way could it stand it’s ground in a fight with a manticore or a minotaur. In fact Kuro should have just fought it. He would have pulled out all of it’s horns until it stopped regenerating them.

      1. I agree, that was too easy. Now I suspect she’ll have trouble getting to that door.
        Thing is, that regeneration was a bit too fast for a critter who is laid out by one punch, no matter how powerful the punch. What I mean is, if the critter can regenerate a missing body part (which is a massive amount of trauma, believe me) that quickly, why can’t it recover from a simple impact to another part of the body.
        Wendy, I think you should have that hand checked a.s.a.p.. That bones in the hand are quite fragile. Of course, you used that hand seconds later to pluck the horn, so you may have little to worry about.

        1. My guess is that some of the omnicorn’s ‘healing magic’ rubbed off on Wendy and healed her hand when she pulled the horn out. But yes that creature has a glass jaw and a regen ability, these two things are not commonly found together.

        2. XD Cartoon bones just heal quick…I guess unless a broken bone is needed for a gag or something.

          My guess is the Omnicorn probably hasn’t fought anyone in awhile, so he must be out of practice. After all, “Few people pass the second test,” and who knows HOW long it’s been since anyone ever MADE it to this trial!

    2. Heh. Wendy’s not big on drinking on substances not approved by the FDA

      Or blood!

  2. I had a thought on Wendy removing that horn so easily.

    Porcupines also have spines (in the tail and in the body) that are easily removed. In fact, they come out so easily, some people actually think they fly out without being touched.

    This still does not explain:
    1> the regeneration for the removal of a body part (which is normally only an aspect of reptiles or insects),
    2> the remarkable speed of that regeneration (much faster and more complete than a certain clawed super mutant),
    3> and why that creature remains knocked out despite the regenerative ability.

    1. Well…The Omnicorn IS a magical creature after all, so I’m not sure why any sort of known biology needs to apply here. ^_^;

    2. 2> the remarkable speed of that regeneration (much faster and more complete than a certain clawed super mutant),

      Marcus? Marcus does not have claws. The Centaurs kind of have claws though. Maybe you are thinking of them.

  3. ew. the horn just…creeped out of an absess. i say neigh to regeneration. it was simply like a shark’s tooth. it had another already in there and it just moved forward automatically like a mechanical function (not to say robot. animals can be mechanical).

    her hand could have just hurt a bit and then she recovered. no one said big scary horn monsters had to be tough. also it might have been nearly starved to death and was after wendy for a meal. because that old lady is very protective of her cookies. so he would be weak from hunger, my point is.

    1. > (not to say robot. animals can be mechanical).

      There is a Robot Omnicorn Attack joke in this somewhere. But I struggle to make it.

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