Hello, my Creatures!
Thanks to everyone who dropped by my table in Artist Alley this weekend. It was really great to see so many familiar faces and meet some new folks. And an especial thank you to everyone who commissioned me for badges! I think I had the most fun with them this year out of any other year.
Seriously, check these out: The first three are ones I did as samples…

I did end up selling the Unikitty one. Though I was a little sad to see her go, I’m glad she went to a good home. Here are the ones I did for others:

Seriously. I wanted to keep that penguin one. I am definitely sticking with the cartoony style for badges in the future!
Thanks again to everyone that came out! FWA is one of the friendliest and well-run conventions I attend and continues to be one of my favorites. Have a great year, and I look forward to seeing you guys online and next year.
That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!