DragonCon 2013

Hello my Creatures!

If you guys have been reading Life On a Stick (and I’m sure you have been!) you know that my immediate family in its entirety attended DragonCon with 1950s Dad and I this year. Pics or it didn’t happen, right? Well, here you go:

Heh. That’s what Mom and Dad get for not picking their own nicknames… My experience at the convention this year was as exciting as it’s been the past few times, but I had an especially good time playing tour guide for my parents, and even though we were all exhausted by the end of the weekend, everybody had a blast. Got to see one of William Shatner’s panels, which was amazing. Say what you will about the guy, but he’s a really good speaker. I especially enjoyed the story he told about faking a heart attack to win at paint ball. If you’ve got any sort of nerd-bone in your body and you get a chance to see him talk, it’s worth it. Great moments: getting Ted Naifeh to sign all my Courtney Crumrin books. Great Panels: Finding out Tailchaser’s Song (by Tad Williams) is going to be made into a feature length animated film…Seriously, almost peed myself I was so excited to see this on the agenda, it’s been a favorite book of mine since I was about 12. Great Performances: Timey Wimey Puppet Show. Doctor Who fans who didn’t already know about this, check it out on The Youtubes, this guy was great.

And what DragonCon would be complete without Great Costumes? Managed to completely forget to get pictures of my own costumes (and I had more than one!) this time around, but here’s some of my favorite from the weekend…

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