Latest Comics

  • Proper Kiss

  • Hot Asian Guy

  • #1506 Gifts

    I just need a quick taste. To make sure it's still up to standards. Yes.

  • #1505 Why Not

    I was so preoccupied with whether I could, I didn't stop to think if I should.

  • #1504 Extreme Measures

    The war on Christmas continues XD

  • #1503 Learning

    Man, trying to teach someone to do something you've just relied on muscle memory to handle for 3+ decades is harder than you'd think.

  • #1502 Family Photos

    Confession time: this happens more than once a year. It happens pretty much every time any of us on my side of the family get together. And no one on my side of the family is quiet.

  • #1501 Friends vs Family

    Family is required to love you, no matter how much potato salad you may have eaten on Thanksgiving.

  • #1500 Happy Thanksgiving 2024

    We all deserve it. Oh, and hey, 1500 comics! Woot!
  • #1499 Almost Time

    I'm sure we've all heard Christmas music playing in the stores already, but I always wait until the day after Thanksgiving. No matter how hard it is for me!
  • #1498 Siblings

    The nature of siblings transcends species. Tabby's always starting fights with her brother that she can't finish and then she is the biggest drama queen about it. 

  • #1497 Price of Pets

    How do your cute, round, little paws feel like daggers in my chest?!