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I just need a quick taste. To make sure it's still up to standards. Yes.

I was so preoccupied with whether I could, I didn't stop to think if I should.

The war on Christmas continues XD

Man, trying to teach someone to do something you've just relied on muscle memory to handle for 3+ decades is...

Confession time: this happens more than once a year. It happens pretty much every time any of us on my...

Family is required to love you, no matter how much potato salad you may have eaten on Thanksgiving.

We all deserve it. Oh, and hey, 1500 comics! Woot!

I'm sure we've all heard Christmas music playing in the stores already, but I always wait until the day after...

The nature of siblings transcends species. Tabby's always starting fights with her brother that she can't finish and then she...

How do your cute, round, little paws feel like daggers in my chest?!