
6 thoughts on “Official

  1. Wow…dumped by a talking fruit. That HAS to hurt.

  2. Also…why was Sausage in Tacit’s lair if she did not kidnap him? Which now that I think about it, would only make sense if she wanted to try to sell him for money or something in which case I would have tried to sell Pine, he apparently has an infinite supply of pineapple juice inside him.

  3. Given that he was in the microwave, I assume she had the same idea as the cats.

    1. Or maybe she just stole the microwave and sausage happened to be in there.

      1. This. Since he’d been in there for “weeks”, it’s likely she wasn’t planning to eat him, but just didn’t know he was in there at all.

        So then the question is, who did place him in there?

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