Candy Lust

13 thoughts on “Candy Lust

  1. I am probably one of the few that would challenge for those…or black licorice.

    1. It’s true we are in the minority on those guys…ALSO I LOVE BLACK LICORICE TOO.

      1. Can’t go wrong with the black licorice. I love buying it for work cause none of my co-irkers like it…. so it’s ALL MINE!

        1. YES! Black licorice is one of the best candies ever!

        2. ThatOddGuyOverThere

          I used to like black liquorice, but since I ate it and no-one else did, that’s what I always wound up with. Can’t stand it any more.

        3. Ugh Black Licorice is the worst. It stinks.

          As a kid we would always travel down from PA to Florida for vacation once a year. One year my dad brought some black licorace along. It was so foul smelling to the rest of us that Me, my mother and sister all agreed he had to toss it out a window and leave it down until the smell was gone

        4. Hahaha, that’s amazing!

          I love black licorice, but I wouldn’t take it along on a car ride if it stank! (I mostly love the black twizzlers and the jelly beans, and they have kind of a coating on them so they don’t stink!)

  2. Peanut Taffy huh? Not bad, and I never did get into black licorice, you guys can have them. I will stick with Ginger taffy and hard candies. MMmmmm…. Yummy spicy candies!

    1. Can’t say I’ve ever had ginger taffy! I’d give it a go ^_^

      Oh man, I love me some black licorice, too. But not the red.

      1. Ginger Taffy is spicy deliciousness that settles your stomach when upset. It is a tasty way to (ironic here being it is a candy) healthily treat upset stomach!

  3. mary janes are my favorite.

    1. YAY! I get a bag of these suckers every year.

  4. Obviously somebody likes them, and circus peanuts, and black jacks. Otherwise, they’d have stopped making them long ago.

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