Meat Thermometer

12 thoughts on “Meat Thermometer

  1. Those thermometers are kind of silly. Ham would be roughly 140-160? Theoretically speaking of course.

    Of course being a pastry chef, I have one that goes up well over 500 F. *flexs her temperature reading muscles*

    1. Yeah, when we got a better look at it, we realized that there were lines between the words and their corresponding temperatures that we couldn’t see in the dimness of my oven. It was still super-confusing that the needle goes in a counter clockwise direction though!

      Also: Pastry Chef: Awesome.

      1. Yeah, a pastry chef is PRETTY cool.

        But I still think that a culinary Artisan with a specialty in pastries, so even cooler.

  2. Why does turkey not count as poultry. It passed poultry to get to ham?

    1. Yeah. This is something I’m not entirely sure about. But, see, the thermometer actually STARTED at poultry. Like…when the bird was fresh out of the fridge from thawing and cold.


  3. Wow, you guys need to get to the Celsius temperature scale. You Americans are more behind then I thought.

    1. HEY!!! I measure my cider by the hog’s head and I LIKE IT that way. Now get off my lawn!!!


    2. We tried switching to metric a while back, which is why we have liters of soda, but it didn’t stick. Hoping we’ll try again before too long, though, because our system is ridiculous. haha

      1. I believe that if we did try again, it might take better than last time they tried.

        Sure, there’d be some who would fight it, but if they pushed it a bit harder, we would be used to it by now.

    3. I know, right? Though I think I kind of like buying gas by the gallon as opposed to the liter.

      1. Cars go MUCH further on gallons than they do on liters. Even puny US gallons ..

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