
7 thoughts on “Lovecraft

  1. To be fair, the language he uses is very creepy and he describes the descent into insanity in ways modern writers don’t use. But then I tend to be the kind of reader who loves character development and in depth visual descriptions.

    1. I’m sure Lovecraft has his merits, and I’ve got a few friends who love, LOVE his work, but I’ll just leave it as: it’s not for me.

      1. OH I sooo understand that. I can’t read Dune for that very reason. I acknowledge it as a great work… just not one for me.

        1. Oh come on! I bet you didn’t even get to the book in the series where he starts turning into a sandworm.

        2. I can’t even get half way into the first book. The omniscient writing style does’t work for me, and I simply can’t like the characters. You will never hear me say it is bad… just that it doesn’t work for me.

      2. I get similar replies when I tell people I don’t like Game of Thrones. It’s just not for me.

        1. I super enjoy GoT but I super understand that it’s not everyone’s thing. It’s pretty grim.

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