
2 thoughts on “Time

  1. Y’know…I’m not gonna say that I work at the exact same bookstore or anything, because it’s left as being so VERY ambiguous…right? Right?

    o_O O_o


    I am just going to say that on the day that a certain e-reader was announced, which would have been a year before this strip’s release, I and all of my co-workers just laughed and laughed and laughed. Because it was clearly an e-reader designed for looking at porn. Because it was a Nookie Reader. A Nook-IE Reader.

    I will also mention that there had never been anyone looking for tech support for this mysterious product who has come to the store and not been at LEAST this insufferable.

  2. I feel her pain though (the customer’s). I hate it when you call tech-support, and you sit there FOR-EV-ER! And I swear they do it so that people will give up and not get any assistance. D:

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