Important Words

10 thoughts on “Important Words

  1. I honestly do not get this one.

    1. It basically boils down to Raf making fun of me for being so damn proud of myself for remembering something so trivial.

  2. this happens to me all the time. worse, sometimes i start flipping through the thesaurus trying to figure it all out and forget what word it was i knew had something to do with the word i forgot and end up just looking up random words.

    1. Thesauri are like that, it seems…Actually, just about all the reference books are. I have the same problem with dictionaries and encyclopedias as well.

      1. lost for hours in all of the above. and phone books 😮 they’re just as much of a brain suck!

        1. Oh man…Phone books. I haven’t seen one of those guys in awhile XD

        2. Do they still make those?

        3. Huh…I don’t know. I THINK so? I know we always got one at our apartment.

        4. Hello. To answer the question, yes they still make those. We got one just the other week. I think you need to have a landline to get one for free.

  3. Thing happened to me one time when I was at a camp, I woke up in the middle.of the.night screened white snake and fell back to sleep. Pretty maine much everything is either a thingy doodad or deedilybop

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