
5 thoughts on “Marathon

  1. WHY!?!? Just…WHY!?!?! I could understand you watching a marathon of the entire first My Little Pony series but…you do not strike me as a LOTR fanatic.

    1. Hush your blasphemy! LotR is the shit! My Little Ponies is cute and all, but it could never compare to the almighty awesomeness that is Lord of the Ring! Woo!

    2. Oh no, definitely a LotR fan! Dad read the Hobbit to us as kids, so Tolkien’s practically ingrained on us.

      1. Was he arrested for child abuse?

        In case you can not tell…not the biggest fan of LotR. I have read all the books and seen all three movies but only because my girlfriend at the time was really into it. For the longest time I thought Merry was a girl.

        But I got to know, does the extended edition of ‘Return of the King’ actually have the whole other half of the book in it. The part that is basically cleaning up the shire?

        1. About the shire? Nah, not so much…I actually haven’t read the LotR trilogy, but I don’t remember any Shire restoration in the movie (even in the extended one.)

          Lol, and no, Dad wasn’t arrested. The Hobbit’s not bad and was actually intended as a more accessible story, so it’s a lot more light-hearted and quicker paced. And it’s not like it was read to us in monotone or anything, so it was a fun thing for us.

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