Good Clerk, Bad Clerk

3 thoughts on “Good Clerk, Bad Clerk

  1. This kinda thing would always make me mad. Most people don’t wanna put any money forward to any sort of charity even after spending quite abit of money on things they don’t need, for 2 possible reasons… #1 they’re cheap an greedy, or #2 they’re paranoid (lots of people don’t trust their money will actually be used for a legitimate use).

    1. Which is fair, I’m sure there are charities that don’t donate the entirety of a person’s donation. I’m usually down with things like “Can Hunger,” and the like, since you’ve got the option to donate actual food. That was the case with this particular charitable act: buy a book, and then we literally drive it over to an underprivileged school that we’ve pledged to help.

  2. Hey now. I resent that label. x3
    I am a college student, I am in category #3, too poor to donate as all my money is needed for me. xp

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