Food Snob

8 thoughts on “Food Snob

  1. I hate to be the one to ask this but I feel it needs to be asked. How exactly did a naked gray guy with a tail purchase food at a store? I mean I get the whole naked gray guy with a tail blending in, it is Georgia after all. But he has no pockets to carry a wallet in. My best guess is he used that creepy voice thing to ‘pay’ for the sausages.

    1. Well, it is an illusion. Maybe he has pockets under his ‘skin’?

      1. I see someone has read up on our boy, PoJo XD

        Nah, he doesn’t have pockets, though. Bardcrest’s most likely correct in this particular instance: “I’ve paid for this.”

        1. What? Huh? Where do I need to go to read up on PoJo and maybe find out what is going on in that piece of art in the gallery that features him and seems to ivolve lots of chemical burns.

        2. *involve

        3. A bunch of stuff about PoJo can be found in my Deviant Art gallery (I’ve got a link on the homepage.) Although, some of his history is going to go up in an “About the Characters” page that’s going up on this site in the near future (Just gotta finish some more art for it!)

  2. Shortly after I asked that question, I checked your DA account and found the character bios.

    1. Huzzah! Yeah, and PoJo has his own folder over there…Most of it has to do with when I was playing him in a table-top rpg, and mostly has nothing to do with On the Couch, but it’s more funny stuff showing off his personality.

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