Chop Shop

15 thoughts on “Chop Shop

  1. Ok… now stick version SurlyQueen reminds me of “Animal” of the muppets.

    1. We share many qualities.

      1. Really? That means I want to go drinking with both of you…

    2. Was it really necesary to cloud my perception of the character with that analysis?

  2. Great, now I can’t stop saying it… Chopshop….Chooooop shop.

    1. I just don’t see the appeal.

      1. Try saying it more!

        1. In case anyone cares it is STILL nothing.

        2. I still got nada in the way of finding the word ‘Chop-shop’ amusing.

        3. I got nothing in the way of amusement from that word.

          I wonder how long I can keep going like this?

        4. Still nothing? Haven’t heard from you in a while, so maybe you now love saying Chop Shop so much, you can’t do anything else and they threw you into a mental asylum for your own protection?

  3. Sounds like a good name for a butcher’s.

  4. In my mind you sound just like invader Zim in this one.

    1. That is not an inaccurate assumption XD

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