Captain Obvious

10 thoughts on “Captain Obvious

  1. The escalator don’t ever break though. They just change into stairs.

    1. This is usually the case, but this time the metal steps had been pulled out, the grate at the bottom was lifted up, leaving a gaping hole in the floor, giant barricade around the whole affair…yeah. Pretty well busted up, albeit temporarily.

      1. You could always answer no and then see what happens.

        1. I considered it. “Why, no sir! Just be careful to jump over the hole in the floor at the top and bottom.”

    2. Actually, using broken escalators as stair apparently damages them somehow, at least according to the staff at the Baltimore Convention Center.

  2. Sometimes I don’t understand how some consumers can find the entrance doors from the parking lot without assistance.

    1. Never underestimate the power of the ‘herd instinct’.

      Get out of your car and follow the other people that are walking towards the big box shaped thingie(s). At least one of those people will know where a door is :-p

      actually, as someone who has grown up in country towns, I have successfully used the ‘herd instinct’ tactic to successfully navigate a ‘big city’ train network to get where I needed to go :-p

      Was going to a sporting event – travelled 1,600km [1,000 miles] to the ‘big smoke’ – got to the main train station, looked around and wondered which way to go and noticed people wearing the appropriate teams colours, all walking in the same direction. So I ‘joined the herd’ and got to the right trains and to the stadium 🙂

      Getting back to the hotel on the other hand, wasn’t quite as easy :-p

      1. I understand that we, as humans, are creatures of habit, and that’s kind of hard to break. I’d have understood a little more if he’d asked: “is there an elevator?” But to stare at an escalator, that’s been opened up and is, literally IN PIECES…and then ask in all seriousness if it was broken…Well, struck me as funny XD

      2. Did this to get to GenCon one year.

        1. (This is in response to Grantwhy.)

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