#822 Simple Truths

7 thoughts on “#822 Simple Truths

  1. Parents hate me when I say raising a child up until the age of 2 is like having a cat. (cause cats wail for no reason what so ever at anytime)

    I still don’t think I’m THAT wrong.

    1. As a parent, and as a cat and dog owner…until kids are about 5, they’re all very similar. Five seems to be when children get occasional forays into the common sense arena. (Occasional because some people NEVER fully grasp the concept…)

    2. Yeah, I am not offended. In the least. We go over to a friend’s house and she actively seeks out the basket of cat toys when she’s there. Which is great, because they’re crinkly or jingly, with sewn on eyes (no choking hazards!) and soft.

  2. Heh heh

  3. But does she sleep with her eyes cracked open and do the scary zombie baby thing? I must know!

    1. Thankfully, not that I’ve noticed!

  4. The exact fencing we bought for babyproofing is sold for pets too. Unfortunately it’s no cheaper to buy it at the pet store. (My husband noticed that they seem to have done a single photoshoot for both sets of packaging. In one the dog is in the enclosure with the woman holding a baby, in the other sets the baby is playing in the enclosure and the woman is outside with a dog.)

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