#731 Trick-Or-Treat

8 thoughts on “#731 Trick-Or-Treat

  1. aaanndd this is how the whole “restraining order” thing got started…

  2. Oh I know! Out old house was surrounded by trees and old folks. And while that was nice 364 days of the year, on Halloween it blew!
    I started switching out the porch light for a bright red bulb and hanging glowsticks in the trees to let the kids know that candy was happening at the Katerly house.
    Thankfully we eventually got a reputation as the house that gave out handfuls so we always had a lot of kids.

    1. I clearly need to step up my decoration game!

  3. This is how I’m feeling right now, and it’s only been 40 minutes. I’ve never lived anywhere where I had trick-r-treaters.

    1. We finally did end up with a bunch of kids, at least we got rid of most of the candy!

  4. Well that’s one way to do it

  5. Hello, been binging on this from TDP, and love the HEY. KID. (What would you have done if he ran off???)

    A couple Halloweens ago I dug out my magician’s flash paper trick gun and would go out every so often and fire it off at the street. Got a few more kids that way 😉 and a lot of “hey wow!” Might do it again some time if I can find more flash paper…

    1. Oh dang, what a fantastic idea!

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