#483 Night Sips

13 thoughts on “#483 Night Sips

  1. absolutely water gets stale. especially if you’ve had ice in it, i dunno what it is about melted ice that tastes stale. i know it’s water but…no.

    on the upside, Bubba brand mugs that advertise it actually DO keep liquid with ice in it cold for 24 hours. seriously. i use ice cubes, and have found small chips of ice still in the mug the next night when i dump, wash, and refill. two thumbs up. (not getting anything off that, i just LIKE the things)

    1. Water itself doesn’t go stale, but it does have things dissolved in it. Dissolved metals can oxidize, organic components can decompose, etc – and that makes it taste stale. Really want to see what can happen, fill a glass with water and leave it sitting on the counter for a couple weeks and take a close look at the top of the water. Only recommended for those with strong stomachs. 😉

      1. Interesting!

        “Stale” is still the best word I can think of to describe the taste of water that’s been sitting out for awhile, though.

        1. ThatOddGuyOverThere

          Another interesting tidbit: a lot of what people associate with the ‘fresh’ taste of water is the oxygen that gets dissolved in it by motion – that’s why moving water is identified as ‘fresh’. You could run an aerator stone for an aquarium in it and it will taste ‘fresher’.

        2. I always thought of it as ‘stagnant’.

  2. makes sense

  3. Stale water tastes like bleach. Yuck.

    1. you been tasting bleach?

    2. Admittedly, I don’t like the taste, but I never quite thought it tasted like that….Maybe it tastes kind of like bleach smells?

      1. I always thought it tasted bad probably from the dust that falls in there.

  4. Well, a lot of taste is tied up in smell, so anything you’ve smelled could be claimed as something you’ve gotten a lot of the taste of.

  5. I like my good night sips. So too do my three cats. Woke up one night to them all clustered around the cup and the horrifying understanding of why the water tasted funk about halfway through the night.
    I now drink out of a sports bottle with a closing top.


      I’m FAIRLY sure Harley does not do this…..O_o

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