
10 thoughts on “#430

  1. DUH! She doesn’t want you to be able to hack into her computer and possibly get her credit card num……..wait.
    Wow some people just don’t think it through lol

  2. Some people have very odd definitions for what ‘sensitive information’ is.

  3. great page

  4. I understand stuff like social security info and stuff….but come on! I have to process information like that to make sure I can contact people and have liability disclaimers for the staffers at my convention….this would be a pain if people constantly did this to me.

    1. Yeh. It’s pretty crazy. I’m pretty sure this person’s last statement was slang for “I don’t want to get spam email from you guys.” Which I GET. I DO…

      But come on.

  5. I had a customer who gave me his card, email, and phone number, but then wouldn’t give me the address stating he didn’t want me to know where he lived. He couldn’t understand the concept that we need an actual place to send his product to…

    1. Ha! That reminds me of a person who gave us the name John Smith with a phone number 123-456-7890

      Because he wanted a book about pot.

  6. – Someone gets your physical address and signs you up for junk snail mail, you can throw it away and delight in the fact that they are wasting their money.
    – Someone gets your phone number and has telemarketers call you, you can get on the do not call list.
    – Someone gets your credit card info and buys a whole bunch of stuff, you can sick the authorities on them and have your credit card company refund the money you lost.
    – Someone gets your email address, that hell will never end and the only thing you can do is move to another email address, but one that you can never give to anyone unless you want the same thing happening all over again.

    1. I know, and I get it, I do…which is why I (PRO TIP!) have a separate email account for handing out to stores and junk.

      I DO use the coupons from time to time, but I don’t need to see that stuff every day. My real problem with this is when people lie to me about it.

      1. ThatOddGuyOverThere

        Pro-protip: have all of the undefined e-mails for your domain delivered to one address and give out specific addresses (like ‘store/site name at your domain’).

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