#400 Brief Interlude

17 thoughts on “#400 Brief Interlude

  1. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks so much!

      1. Which technically it’s 800 so double congrats! 🙂

        1. Haha, yes, if you want to get TECHnical (don’t think I wasn’t counting!) And thanks again!

  2. Yes, congrats.

    Looks like I was right. Scurvy isn’t getting the tail back.

  3. I like math. I make no apologies for that

    400 comics
    2 comics a week
    200 weeks worth of comics
    52 weeks a year
    3.85 years worth of comics
    Done over 3.925 years

    A comic was done only 97.972% of the time.

    Just thought I should share that bit of calculating.

  4. Does anyone else hear the Johnny Bravo theme song?

    1. HECK YEAH! What do you think’s playing on the jam-box?!

  5. I guess he meant it was done on time 97% of the time.

    In truth, that is impressive compared to the other webcomics I read. I need not do the math to know it exceeds the others by a long shot

    1. Aw, shucks! Thanks ^_^

  6. No i meant exactly what i said the comic has been done 400 times during the time period where it should have been done about 408 times. But SOMEONE had to go and get married and then MOVED, so we, the readers, lost out on 8 comics. Which is just fine with me as I agree with Valk, it is still a much higher rate than other webcomics and much more consistent in it’s rate as well.

    1. Heh. Gosh, I know, I’m so SELFISH.

  7. Also cricket…stop embarassing yourself. NO ONE can do ‘the monkey’ as well as Johnny Bravo so do not even try.

    1. Got to admit, she’s a little cuter, though.

  8. congrats on 400

    1. Thanks ^_^

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