#396 Nipples

6 thoughts on “#396 Nipples

  1. Hahahahaha-this is exactly why I don’t like rubbing my dog’s belly. So you aren’t alone!

    1. It’s like my finger tips are magnetically drawn to them! It’s not like they’re easy to find, otherwise!

  2. LOL I have a small male dog. Same problem, different embarrassing thing to bump into.

    1. Hahaha! XD

  3. What’s really embarrassing is when a very large male dog thinks you’re beauuutiful and tries to convince you to make puppies with him. Note: this actually happened, prompting me to comment that “he should at least buy me dinner first”.

    1. Heh. I don’t have a dog, but I’ve been there -_-;

      And yes. They should TOTALLY buy dinner first. At LEAST.

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