#392 Sunscreen

4 thoughts on “#392 Sunscreen

  1. my gosh. Taffy, stop being “suggestive”

  2. I can get on board with the bikini but the sunscreen is going a little too far. It’s not like the fur will get sun burned =p

    1. I get the feeling that Taffy is just kidding around with this, but cats can actually get sunburned! Owners of white furred cats are often advised to keep their cats in for most of the day as they’re easily burned and it can lead to skin cancer

      1. Interesting! I had no idea (other than the Sphinx and Rex cats, of course). My neighbors had outdoor cats who were white, but they just hung out in the shade most of the day. In any case, I doubt that suntan lotion would really be the best option over fur.

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