#391 Favorite Shoes

8 thoughts on “#391 Favorite Shoes

  1. Um…Are you my wife’s long-lost twin?
    She can become just as excited of similarly…odd…things.
    And what is wrong with an adult liking COOL things?

    1. Certainly, nothing at all! Nothing wrong with liking odd things either XD


    1. WILL DO!

  3. I threw them to the ground. You must think I’m a joke. I ain’t gonna be part your system, I’M AN ADULT!

    Also, that red mud won’t come out. I know. I still have a boot which is red because of it.

    1. SO true. They shoes are kind of a gray color now…

  4. A mature Adult knows how to have fun and relax also. Does anyone think that the first guy who was fiddling around with the different metals and created bronze was any different then the guy who was fiddling around with the DIY computers and starting the computer revolution? No, they both had day jobs doing other stuff but they were having fun experimenting, not knowing their hobby would change the world. Heck, Entomologist (people who study bugs) even just surf the internet looking for new species people post pictures of online, not knowing that creature has never been studied by science (It is even happening in America and Europe). One man who studies Sea Urchins found a new species on Ebay for $10, so he bought it, studied it, and named it (now it has a name it is over $100, lol).

    Even a person going hiking in the woods is expanding their mind and enjoying nature. Even if it is not as important of discovery, it is important to keep exercising your body and mind. Both fitness of body and relaxation of the mind.

    Also, Keep the Shoes, they are awesomeness.

    1. No intentions of getting rid of them (and to be fair, Raf’s got no intentions to try to make me either!)

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