#389 Friendship

9 thoughts on “#389 Friendship

  1. Little Voodoo Dolly

    Happy b-day to you! Happy b-day to you! Happy b-day dear Surly Queen!!!! *big finish* HAAAAAAAAAAAAPY b-day to Yoooooooooou!
    annnnnd many more! *insert jazz hands and goofy grin here*

    1. ?…um…indeed. Happy Birthday.

    2. Ha ha! Yep! Thanks much ^_^ ‘nother year older!

  2. This is reasonable. In fact, you could pay for EVERYTHING in Thai food.

    Buy a new car, pay the dealership in Thai food, pay rent in Thai food.

    “My word, we may have found a way to collapse the American economy. We must Bomb the Thai food places.” from the new action movie, Thai America. Staring Johnny Depth, because he has been doing crappy roles lately, so it fits.

    1. Yes. Unless there’s peanut allergies involved, I’m in total agreement.

      On all the things. Including the Johnny Depp thing…Though there was something coming out later that he was doing that I was interested in, but I can’t recall what it was. Ah well.

  3. Man, I’d help paint a room. I love painting! I wouldn’t even need Thai food as a bribe.

    1. Yeah, I’m about the same way. Love that kind of stuff.

  4. Well, yeah. The Thai place is *amazeballs.*

    1. VERY true. And I need to hit that place up again. Soon.

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