#383 Vultures

15 thoughts on “#383 Vultures

  1. Pojo should just use THE VOICE!!!!

    1. It’s true, these two could use all manner of ways to nab these cookies from us. But then they’d have to put up with Wendy and Cricket…forever. We can be exceedingly annoying!

      1. It somewhat disturbs me that you used the pronoun ‘we’ as if Cricket were also a real person.

        1. I’ll admit, I’m not really sure how far to carry the imaginary friends in real life, facade XD

          …Although, now that I think about…Cricket had a twitter feed for awhile.

        2. and Pojo is?

  2. hard won?

    for the gals, yes. all you did was prove you had a hard head and bulldoze (literally) your way thru a flimsy door.

    1. It’s true, Kurochka ended up with the easiest task, but it wasn’t really his quest. Don’t worry, he was speaking more generally than personally.

  3. Finally caught up with both your comics (having started two days ago). Huzzah!!

    1. Yay! Thanks for reading ^_^

  4. at least pojo is over the roach incident anyway. yay for pojo

    1. Yes. He ended up being okay in the end. Long, long showers…

  5. Thrice the Evil Eye. I’d back away too. Now I want some of those ginger cookies they had last year

    1. Oh man! I didn’t know about those! If they have them again, I might have to try them. What color box do they come in?

      1. The Spiders (Google) remind me they are called Shout Outs and came in a pink box.

        1. O_O I will definitely be on the lookout for those next time around. Thanks!

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