#382 Sweet Reward

13 thoughts on “#382 Sweet Reward

  1. Ever stop to consider that the Omnicorn might not be able to get out of that room and so not only has Wendy just killed it’s caretaker, she is now adding insult to injury by putting some very tasty food just out of it’s range.

    Also I really like that she did actually pay for the cookies.

  2. BTW does Kurochka have to keep filing down his horns and re-applying those metal end things to them or are the metal end things compensating for missing ends of his horns?

    Also did YOU, the real Wendy, ever get your hands on some delicious girl scout cookies without needing to play deadly games or fight deadly creatures?

    1. But, playing deadly games for sugary cookies is half the fun!

      1. I can only imagine based on what you said that you had a very interesting childhood.

        1. I DID manage to finally get my hands on some GS cookies…The story up until the point of the shifty-eyes-behind-the-fence was pretty much how it went down.

          And I DID have to go to a somewhat sketchy house and convince an older woman to sell them to me.

  3. I’m glad to see that she kept the horn, you never know, it might come in handy. I hate books, movies, and games that give the hero a great weapon only to take it away again a short time later.

    1. Heck yeah! That thing could be USEful!

  4. Oh! Oh man! Are those the peanutbutter-and-chocolate cookies? I don’t remember what they’re called anymore but I LOVED THOSE.

    I haven’t had girl scout cookies since I moved to Canada. They’re called Girl Guides here. I guess it’s the same organization but I don’t even know anyone who sells the cookies so I lost touch with when they sell them. Oh well.

    1. YES! Tag-a-Longs! (at least that’s the name I know them by!) They’re a close second-fave of mine (Samoas will always be first in my heart!).

      Maybe they have a handy Girl Guide locator app like they do in the States?

  5. I was going to say “Yaknow keebler makes versions of these and sells them at stores (Coconut dreams = samoas; grasshoppers = thin mints, peanut butter filled fudge shop = tagalongs).” But then I did Internet research and came across several reports of how they use different chocolate (milk vs dark) and cookie under flavors and the girl scout cookies really are that unique.

    1. Yeah, the Grasshoppers ARE really similar to the Thin Mints…but the Coconut Dreams tasted really different to me :/

      1. Would it still be an advisable thing to bring a sack of the knock off thin-mints along and give them to you if I happen to see you at Dragon*Con?

        1. Oh man. I’m easily bribed by food! I might be difficult to find, though, I’m not behind a table at Dragon*Con (though I will be going!)

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