#373 Behold…

16 thoughts on “#373 Behold…

  1. A mammalion version of the anklasarus?

  2. I guess I’m technically wrong.

    1. Ah, but partly right as well!

  3. Speaking of technically, as the creature does not have one of every kind of horn, it can not be described with the sub-word ‘omni’. Since it has many of the same kind of horn, it would be a POLYcorn. But that being said, she can call it whatever she darn well wants to. She just would be technically incorrect.

  4. Technically…….who cares what it’s called? *sits back to read favorite comic instead of nit picking* 😛

    1. Oh I agree. Just saying it is the wrong term is all.

      1. Omnicorn simply rolls off the tongue better, though I can argue that Omnicorn could refer to having “all the unicorn horns.”

        1. You COULD make that arguement…you would be wrong though:

          1. (singular) every
          2. (plural) all


          Like I said it has several of one type of thing nor does it have the horn of every unicorn, making it ‘poly’ not ‘omni’.

          Martha Stewart Omini-media is a group of several different companies not several of the same kind of media company.

          But as I ALSO said, she can call it whatever she wants to call it. She just would be wrong on a technicality but who really cares about grammar technicalities other than grammar teachers and children raised by grammar teachers (which would be me, unfortunately)

    2. XD Thanks!

  5. I was partly right… It’s just not young or innocent.

    “Omnicorn” may be used as a reference back to Transformers. …or I could just be took geekly looking at the word

    1. I have to confess it’s not a reference ^_^;

  6. HA!! I KNEW it! innocent creature horn fetish! “THANK you, feats of genetic engineering!”

  7. include a little armor with those body spines (and a tail weapon of some sort), and it WOULD be a mammal version of the anklasaurus.
    You know, those body spines don’t look anchored to any infrastructure (like the creature’s skeleton), so I doubt they’re even a decent defence (like a porcupine’s is).
    They do look painful to the critter, tho.

  8. holy crud! that’s a crazy story with the 500 cases and the debt and the cookies and the stuff… 8(

  9. That’s the horniest beast I’ve ever seen.

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