#367 Creeper

19 thoughts on “#367 Creeper

  1. Little Voodoo Dolly

    “It puts the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets the hose again.”

    1. “Mister! I’ve got your dog!”

  2. I once knew someone who would sneeze into their hands and then rub the snot into their skin like it was lotion. Now THAT was really creepy.

    1. That’s………that’s just nasty 😐

    2. Oh wow. That is disgusting!

    3. Thank you for that…. now I will never trust another human being’s handshake.




      1. Well, to be honest, you should always wash your hands after shaking hands with someone, even someone you know.

        We all know there are sick people out there who don’t wash their hands after using the toilet. 😐

  3. That would be the polar opposite of washing your hands… 🙁

  4. I do that! Get eczema and lotion feels sooooo good sometimes

    1. Yesssssss….Working in a bookstore and constantly handling paper is really hard on the hands.

      1. Yep, same thing when I was in accounting, the paper sucks it out of you. And washing your hands all day in health care is really hard on them too

        1. Yeah, I wash my hands a LOT at this job, or I’m using that hand sanitizer stuff, which is probably even worse, but I can’t run to a sink every time I have to pick up after the Lego Table.

        2. The store has a table made of legos!!! (hyper-ventilating)

        3. Welll…A table with Legos on TOP of it…Specifically Duplos, so the little childrens will not choke themselves.

        4. is significantly less impressed. Duplo is the retarded step-child of lego…wait sorry, that is mega-blocks.

  5. So long as it’s lotion, and not something that seems like lotion, or even worse doesn’t seem like lotion. Like fire ants.

    Although the pus would make great hydration to the skin, and would break it up.

    1. Oh man, fire ants would be a terrible lotion!…Acid would be another bad one, though, more readily contained within a bottle…Although, I suppose it’s hard to have dry skin when one no longer HAS skin.

      1. Are we SERIOUSLY discussing what would be bad to rub on your skin? The list is endless. But I will add rusty razor blades and lemon juice.

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