#362 Words Fail Me

18 thoughts on “#362 Words Fail Me

  1. This is epic. Right along with the time some random woman and her roommate pulled up beside me while I rode my bike home from work and invited me over for “cookies.”

    1. Lol, whut?!


  2. Even if you replace ‘Holes’ with ‘Dimples’ in the third panel, it still doesn’t make that much sense.

    1. True, true, but I think he was trying to say, “You’ve got dimples.”

      Poor guy. Forgot his words.

  3. Clearly a man with a severe case of stupid in his face.

    1. Yeah…I felt kinda bad for him, though. It really seemed like he just couldn’t remember the right word, but HAD to comment on them.

      His wife was hilarious XD

      1. She’s the best part of the comic. I loved her expressions.

  4. …special needs? Non native English speaking? Because otherwise I’m not sure how it’s possible to make that mistake…or why in the world he would make the statement in the first place O.o

    1. Exactly my point. What was the point in making the statement to begin with.

      1. You’d be surprised how many comments from random strangers I get on my dimples…

        1. Then you have my sympathy. Not for having dimples which I think is kind of cool. But because you have people tell you to your face stuff that you already know…about your face.

        2. really? hu…I have dimples, and never once have had anyone comment on them (well, maybe family). Very odd (or Ood…sorry, can’t resist whenever I see the word odd)

  5. I’ve had the same problem with people commenting on my hair. I have very curly hair, even when short it makes ringlets. At least when it’s short strangers don’t touch it.

    1. Then I would suggest you stay away from Wendy. She’s a toucher.

      1. See my other comment, but I have the same problem with my hair….

        Now a super fuzzy sweater on the other hand….All bets are off.

    2. Yeah. I get that a lot too. I have similar hair and similar experiences. Strangers will come up and touch my hair. It’s very strange.

      1. Something about curly hair just attracts everybody with no personal space boundries.

        1. I’ve noticed that over the years. I guess folks that HAVE curly hair are immune. I’m always prone to touching people’s clothes (sleeves only!) but never been much one for hair. *shrugs*

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