#361 Sour Reception

7 thoughts on “#361 Sour Reception

  1. Not what I was expecting. But my guess is that Juliette Gordon Low has achieved immortality by sapping the life force of Girl Scouts…either that or through a constant diet of their cookies.

    1. *LOVE* hmmmm maybe it’s time to take my daughter out of Girl Scouts 😐

      1. She’s probably safe as long as she doesn’t to Savannah……..?

  2. So…just out of curiousity: who do you think would win in a fight between OTC Wendy and LOAS Wendy. This is of course assuming that they both were either stick figures or non-stick figures and not one of each. I personally think that the so called ‘more realistic’ LOAS Wendy is a lot more predictable than the so called ‘fantasy’ OTC Wendy, so that might come in handy in a fight.

    1. DOH!!! Darn you dyslexia! “…I think that LOAS is a lot more UNpredictable than the so called…”

  3. OTC Wendy has more rage and superpowers (muppet!)… but i dont see her acting on them as strongly as LOAS wendy would if she had that power. she is wierder. I think the crowned one would win by petting the OTC characters to death. really I imagine Kuro is soooft

    1. Don’t forget OTC me has BEARD GROWING POWERS!….Not sure if that counts as a power XD

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