#360 Statues

7 thoughts on “#360 Statues

  1. I’m a guy and looking at those statues, even I want to be a wilderness girl.

    Also the third panel is so very profound.

  2. Oh Kurochka, always so serious…

    1. Yeeeeah…He can’t help it, really…

  3. BTW: How do you have a fishing pole and line in a statue…wouldn’t they be incredibly easily broken?

    1. My guess, if not magical, then they use a thin steel cable in place of fishing line for statues of that kind.

  4. NO! because wilderness girls bestowed magical cookie crumb dust in it to make it indestructable

    1. Well…I suppose that makes SOME sense. I have had some home-made cookies in my time that I would swear were indestructible so I could see that being the case.

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