#360 Just Say No

12 thoughts on “#360 Just Say No

  1. No, I think you would REALLY enjoy any anti-psychotic drug that has a side effect of enhancing tactile sensitivity. Though…I can not support the idea of taking a drug just for the side effects it has.

    1. This is exactly why I shouldn’t do drugs. I’d get hooked WAY too easily on something like that!

  2. Where’s Jennie when you need someone to help touch things

  3. Honey, fuzzy and soft ARE your drugs.

    1. Good thing I can get a cheap fix XD

    2. don’t forget cake batter

      1. Don’t forget Rum Butter slathered on chock chip cookies!

  4. I have friends like this…but when they are drunk. When they hit Stage 4 Drunk, they will meld into the couch and touch everything because it “feels amazing”. XD

    1. Geez. I think I’m one of those…only I don’t have to be drunk to think that things feel/look amazing…I’m also routinely fascinated by my own hair.

  5. but sober-feeling is so much better because it lasts forever and you actually remember feeling the feeel

  6. I have a cossack style “pimp” coat I bought at an SCA war that is trimmed with this really really soft fake fur. right down the front. I couldn’t stop petting myself and inviting other people to pet me. they kindly pointed out that they would basically be feeling me up. I gave them the trim on the cuff.

    1. HAHAH! That DEFinitely sounds like something I would do.

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