#359 As Seen On TV

24 thoughts on “#359 As Seen On TV

  1. And right afterwards, “Wireless camera in the shower head…”

    Seriously though, sounds really cool 🙂

    1. Someone else posted this, but I tend to agree: I’d never leave the shower.

      1. The face in frame four, just it, on a T-Shirt, please.

        1. You kidding? That face is creeeeeeeepy.

  2. That does sound useful.

    Suspiciously useful, I do not trust how useful it is. Is it a listening device also? What else does it do?

    1. I’m not sure, I actually only caught the tail end of the commercial…I suspect that it probably doesn’t really work as well as it says it does.

      OR after a quick Google search, I discovered that they start at 199.99…I’ll be singing a capella, then.

  3. Were you having a Joy-gasm?

    1. Shamelessly. Yes!

  4. If this is in your shower, I do not envy your husband being anywhere’s near you at that time.

    1. Heh. He’d be okay…We’ve got plenty of space now that we have a house, but I’ve got a halfway decent voice, too ^_^;

  5. …I would never leave my shower. Ever

    1. I KNOW, RIGHT?!

      Well…until the hot water ran out.

      1. That’s why you get yourself a gas powered hot water heater, the hot water runs out when either there is no more water left (in the county) or there is no more gas left (in the county)

        1. Ew! But then I’d be SO pruny…I take it all back. I’d get out of the shower XD

        2. true…plus eventually hunger sets in…fine, I would take hours in the shower. That better?

  6. Oh gosh, my family with this… and Disney songs… my face changed along to a less exaggerated version of yours while reading this comic.

    1. Holy crap, I need to put MOAR DISNEY SONGS on mah iPod!

    2. At least I’m not the only one that loves singing along to disney songs…

      1. Oh man, YES. I love all the Disney songs.

  7. HEHEHE!!! ★★★★★★★★★

  8. That’s epic I sooooo need that thing ‡

  9. -(^_^)-|♪ -(-.-)- loooolz

  10. Ur like so epic

    1. XD Thanks!

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