#358 Too Late

16 thoughts on “#358 Too Late

  1. I swear every woman in the world does this. I find yourself arguing about something and she brings up something from five years ago. It’s NOT FAIR, especially since I can barely remember what I said last WEEK.

    1. I also find it unfair I can’t edit comments when I make stupid mistakes. 😛

      1. FWIW I actually try really hard NOT to do that when I’m having an argument with anyone….Sometimes it happens, though ^_^;

    2. For me the issue is, why do they hold onto the silly details. I can accept a woman holding bad money choices against me. But getting all whiney about something minor and keeping it a s a grudge? This is one of the very few cases I, as a man, can say… Grow up. Past that, yes, all men are nothing but big boys who never got over our love of stupid pranks and gross stuff.

      1. I’m with you. It’s not really fair to hold grudges like that (not to mention a lot of wasted energy.). Deal with stuff as it happens. In the present.

  2. 1Corinthians 13:4-6 Love is always patient; love is always kind; love is never envious or arrogant with pride. Nor is love conceited, and love is never rude; it never thinks just of itself or ever gets annoyed. Love never is resentful; Love is never glad with sin; she’s always glad to side with truth, and pleased that truth will win.

    I rather enjoy the 13th chapter. It is the chapter of Love.

    1. Little Voodoo Dolly

      yeah but come on… he THREW AWAY a cherry and I’m sorry but that’s just evil and inexcusable.

  3. ::best yoda voice:: “we will argue… this.. bring up… I shall!”

    1. *Like*

  4. What if this happens to me, but I don’t like cherries? :U

    1. Then…I guess…it doesn’t matter? ^_^;

  5. I see nothing wrong with this.

  6. Nooo! I’ve reached the end 🙁 I just got introduced to these the other day (comment from Bug comic) and you remind me so much of my sister and I when we’re together (btw, she’s an artist too…me, I have no artistic talent whatsoever). Made me laugh so much. Also, tots jealous ever the Jim Butcher autograph. You don’t happen to read Patricia Briggs too do you?

    1. Never fear! There will be more! I’m really glad you’re enjoying these guys.

      Never read any of the Patricia Briggs stuff, though I’ve heard her books are really good…If you ever get a chance to see Jim Butcher, go. He’s a really great person. Very warm and genuinely seems to love his fans.

      What’s Bug comic? I’m afraid I’m unfamiliar ^_^;

      1. Looks like I got beat to the bug comic link, and Patricia Briggs is awesome. Mercedes Lackey is good too, unfortunately her writing style is starting to…wander I guess is the best word. I think she’s getting up there in age, but it’s still sad. Anyway, I would LOVE to meet him, but doubt I ever will. No one ever comes to this boring backwards area (in Kansas) and I seemed doomed to never leave no mater how hard I try.

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