#355 The Truth

8 thoughts on “#355 The Truth

  1. So…moving. So very moving.

  2. For those of you who do not speak Cricket. The second panel translates roughly to:

    Oh my gosh! So Del Got Fairy-Napped By Pirates but you guys rescued her? and now Jazz is going on a super awesome adventure and I wish I could go but I can’t wait to hear about it when she gets back and I asked Pojo why he was so grouchy and Gatekeeper told me about the roach swarm and that it must be a powerful spell to get him to shut up for so long and now he’s washing away…

  3. Oh my GOD!!! It is a quarter after midnight and there is no new comic. (starts hyperventilating) DAMN YOU TIME ZONES!!!!

    1. I know I know! I’ve got to set the site for Daylight Savings Time, I don’t know why it won’t do it automatically -_-;

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