#354 Structures

29 thoughts on “#354 Structures

  1. Little Voodoo Dolly

    There was a point in my childhood when, as a result of watching the cartoon The Transformers, I became extremely polite to our major appliances. The Eiffel Tower kinda creeps me out too.

    1. Yes. Eiffel Tower. Also too angle-y for my tastes.

  2. And somehow… I know I have had this conversation. In general gist, if not in content. (; <3

  3. Who is the poor bastard that had this conversation with you??

    1. Good friend of mine XD

  4. I have never been afraid of a building, but I used to be convinced that our vaccuum cleaner was the gateway to a dark dimension that really wanted to take all of my legoes from me and my mother was it’s willing puppet in it’s mission to steal my legoes.

    1. Little Voodoo Dolly

      If it’s any consolation, I think most dogs/cats would agree.

    2. I can see this. I always hated that SOUND that the vacuum would make when it would suck up something it shouldn’t, like loose change.

  5. Don’t forget the Statue of Liberty. She could crush you with her massive foot 😐

    1. You have watched GhostBusters 2 way too many times.

      1. Hey man, Ghostbusters 2 was AWESOME!

        1. I am not saying it wasn’t.

        2. Lol, fair enough ^_^

    2. I can’t really explain it, but the Statue of Liberty doesn’t instill the same kind of fear that the Golden Gate Bridge does…

      Of course, I can’t really explain why the Bridge creeps me out either!

      1. hmmmmm are you afraid of heights? Of plunging to your death? 😡

        1. Don’t know why my smiley face is so angry 😮

        2. Not one bit. Heights have never bothered me. I can’t really explain it…Just…what if it came to life?! That scene in X-Men 2? It was like my nightmares came to life!

        3. I think you are thinking of X-3. That is the one where Magneto leads a raid on Alzatraz by bending the bridge to the island.

        4. Yeah, yeah, that one…It’s been awhile since I’ve seen them, they all kinda run together.

  6. I think we are all disregarding something rather important here. Wendy have you ever actually tried to talk out your feelings with the bridge? Maybe it is just as scared of you as you are of it. You might learn a little something about yourself and about life itself.

    1. Actually, the Bridge and I had a nice conversation over Twitter, recently. It was quite civil and promised not to become animate.

      Seriously. I’m not making this up. The Bridge has a Twitter Page (@SFBayBridge)

      I love the Internet.

      1. I am the LEAST BIT surprised that the bridge has a twitter account. The snake at the central park zoo has a twitter account and it doesn’t even have thumbs to tweet with.

        1. doh!!! I am NOT the LEAST BIT surprised by that.

      2. Not to be nitpicky, but as someone who lived in San Francisco for a few years, I just have a kneejerk need to point this out …

        The Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate bridge are two different bridges, and miles apart from each other. 😉


        Which means you were talking to the wrong bridge, and the GGB is likely still out to get you. ::snickers:: Sweet dreams! 😉

        1. I…I had no idea that there were two separate bridges…Perhaps the two bridges are in cahoots.

        2. Yep. Golden Gate bridge crosses the opening between the bay and the ocean, running north-south between San Francisco and Sausalito. The S.F. Bay Bridge runs east-west between S.F. and Oakland, with a quick stop on Treasure Island roughly halfway across.

          GGB is the one that gets all the press, because of its architecture. The Bay Bridge is actually longer and serves more traffic, but doesn’t look as wondrous, heh.

        3. Also it is red….Creepy, attention grabbing bridge…

  7. Someone just coming to this site, might make the mistake of assuming that you are mocking irrational fears by having this ‘wendy’ character have an irrational and ridiculous fear and that there was no way an actual person could be that weird. Those people would be wrong…very wrong. Not that being weird is even remotely in anyway a bad thing. But I can totally see this conversation having actually taken place.

  8. I have a feeling if the statue of liberty came to life she would be very patriotic, and therefor not harm us so much because she thinks it’s awesome that we put her face on stamps.

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